If you have experienced a loss of skin elasticity of the thigh, hip, or buttock areas you may be a good candidate for a thigh lift. You may also desire this procedure if your skin in the thigh area is saggy, has an orange peel, flabby and/or dimpled appearance. The procedure may also be indicated if your thigh appearance improves dramatically when you lift the lax skin. If you are self-conscious about your lower body appearance you may also want to look into this procedure.
The procedure is intended to produce tighter, more attractive thigh and buttock skin with improved contours. It is also intended to decrease irregularities in the skin surface.
The procedure takes 2 hours to perform under general anesthesia unless otherwise advised by the surgeon. Wide variations in the design of the incisions to meet clothing or personal desires are possible. Lifting the inner thighs requires only short incisions extending from the anterior part of the thigh/groin crease around to the buttock crease. In certain cases, patients would benefit from circumferential tightening and a vertical scar is necessary. In most patients, liposuction is performed as well as the thigh lift procedure. Mr Ho-Asjoe will show you what specific procedures are available to solve your particular problem.
A compression garment is provided at the end of surgery to reduce swelling as well as assist in the natural shrinking and tightening of the skin. With smaller thigh lifts, initial discomfort is usually easily controlled with prescription pain medication. With larger thigh lifts, one or two nights care in a skilled nursing facility or hospital are usually required. This allows for pain injections, intravenous catheters, etc. Bruising and swelling usually subside within a month. Also, strenuous activities are usually possible in 6 weeks and almost all symptoms are gone in 4-6 months.
Call: 0207 403 8694 or Email: enquiry@markhoasjoe.co.uk