Mr Mark Ho-Asjoe

Facial Thread Lift


The Facial Thread Lift is not a replacement for a surgical facelift as the effect is more subtle. The treatment is ideal for those patients who are not ready to undergo surgery. This is also good for those patients looking for some improvement with minimal recovery time. Patients may notice some swelling and redness for around 24 hours. On rare occasions, may have minor bruising that can be camouflaged with makeup.

Thread lift started by using non-dissolvable threads with barbs. These barbs are hooked onto the underlying tissue and the threads are anchored laterally with a hairline incision. With the evolution of the technique, dissolvable threads became popular. The principle mechanism has moved on to stimulation of tissue contraction rather than support. PDO threads are hair-like threads that stimulate collagen production when inserted under the skin's surface. These threads will dissolve after a couple of months. During this time, it increases local blood circulation and collagen production. In turn, this leads to skin tightening and wrinkle reduction. The use of PDO threads can also help to improve the forehead and brow position.

The effect of PDO threads will last for approximately 18 months and patients are advised to have maintenance therapy after the initial treatment.

The technique has gained popularity in Asia. This is due to the increasing demand for the “V” shaped lower face which has been labeled as the “V” lift. More recently, the use of PDO threads has been applied to other areas of the body with some degree of success.


Topical anaesthetic cream is applied following which threads are introduced into the skin. This is done through a fine needle – into the skin itself, the muscle, or the subcutaneous fat. The treatment results in an immediate improvement in appearance but the results will improve over the ensuing days and weeks. This is due to the PDO stimulates neo-collagenesis, increasing the amount of collagen in the skin. The appearance of the skin improves in terms of overall texture, becoming thicker, tighter, and firmer as fine lines and wrinkles are reduced


This is a very versatile treatment that can be used in any part of the face and neck. It is used to treat sagging brows, nasolabial lines, vertical and horizontal forehead wrinkles, drooping cheeks, marionette lines, sagging jawline, plus wrinkles and folds on the chin and neck.


Thread-lift treatments result in an instant and natural-looking improvement in the appearance of the skin. A process of natural protein synthesis then begins after about 10-14 days. Over the subsequent weeks results will continue to improve, peaking at around 6 months and lasting for up to 2 years. This is because your own body produces collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid making this form of non-surgical facelift a very long-lasting treatment. The thread itself is completely biodegradable and dissolves within 12 weeks. After this, new collagen has formed around the thread to continue to support results, maintaining a smooth and supple texture of the skin.


Some pain/discomfort after treatment can be expected, Paracetamol can be taken if required. It is advisable to avoid anti-inflammatories as they can suppress new collagen formation.
Do not have any other aesthetic procedures (such as toxins, fillers, peels, etc.) for 7 days
Gently wash the treated area as required, but do not rub or massage.
It is important not to overstretch the treated area (i.e. open the mouth wide) for 4 weeks (avoid dental treatment during this time if possible).
Do not have Radio-frequency, IPL, Laser, or other heat treatments near the treated area for 10 weeks.

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