Mr Mark Ho-Asjoe

Mummy Makeover

A mummy makeover is a procedure that combines several other surgical procedures to combat the effects on the body after pregnancy and breastfeeding. Many mothers can be left with loose skin and muscles (diastasis recti), as well as sagging breasts. In turn, this can lead to a loss of confidence, which this procedure hopes to reverse.

This procedure is recommended for those who are not planning on any more pregnancies. This doesn’t prevent further pregnancy, but further pregnancy may mean that revisions to the procedure are needed in the future. It is also recommended that you are within a stone of your ideal post-surgery weight. 

If you are already sure that you would like this procedure, and are planning on undergoing this after a current or recent pregnancy, you will need to be at least six months postpartum. Your body will need time to recover after pregnancy, and this will allow for your breasts to return to a regular size and shape after lactating.

This is a tailored procedure that can include a combination of:

  • A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)
  • Diastasis Recti (correction)
  • A breast augmentation (implant)
  • A breast reduction (mammoplasty)
  • A breast lift (mastopexy)
  • Liposuction

This procedure is also unique as the specific procedures performed will be different from patient to patient. Some may only want to achieve a slightly lifted look, whereas some may want a more drastic change.

This will all be performed in the same surgery, which generally takes 3-5 hours. This will require general anaesthesia as this is a major surgery and carries all of the associated risks. This has a slightly extended recovery period (normally several weeks) as more than one procedure is performed simultaneously. However, due to this, costs and recovery time are reduced overall, when comparing this procedure to having these done separately. 

Results from this procedure can be very satisfactory and long-lasting. To maximise this, it is recommended you practise a healthy lifestyle. 

Mr Mark Ho-Asjoe is very experienced in the Mummy Makeover and will be happy to talk in detail about your hopes and results. Please contact the team today to set up a consultation.

Call: 0207 403 8694 or Email: